Royal Tidings No. 2018-0428 Royal Families news on the web - Sharing a Preview of What's to Come... Advisory for Routhe Bolomet, all kanaka maoli/kanaka Hawaii maoli
Royal Tidings No. 2018-0428 Royal Families news on the web - Sharing a Preview of What's to Come... Royal Tidings No. 2018-0428 ROYAL FAMILIES news on the web April 28, 2018 *Advisory from the Office of Foreign Relations/Foreign Affairs - Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii Routhe Bolomet is currently being challenged by aliens claiming alodio lands, specifically in Pupukea. The following facts are for the purpose of providing support for Routhe Bolomet a Royal person through Maulili the grandson of Kamehameha: * Royal persons are not subject to the laws. Reference: Probate of Victoria Kamamalu, pages 14-15, Archives, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii * Pupukea and Paumalu lands were Crown Lands "mortgaged as a "mistake" for Kamehameha's IV properties. Reference: Hawaiian Government vs. Cartwright, HAWAIIAN REPORTS, Volume 8, Supreme Court Law Library/Archives/Main Li...